After Sales Service - No matter before you buy it or after you buy it, we are always ready to help you, any question or problem, contact us. Any quality problem will get a satisfying solution.
Elegant Decor - No matter for a home/party decor, or a birthday/anneversary gift, it can behave as well as you can imagine.
Artisan Creation - Our artisans heat the glass using intense flames until it reaches a semisolid state, then skillfully blow into it, resulting in this exquisite piece of art. The dimensions are 4 x 4.4 x 2.3 inches, and it weighs approximately 577 grams.
Unique Figurine - As you know, it’s a handmade figurine, every single snail is unique, no matter in colors or shapes will be a little bit different from the pictures, that called unique. By the way, the blown process may bring some bubbles which is normal, please understand.
Distinctive Gift - We know most of you are pragmatist, and we always choose practical gift to send. However, we want you to put your eyes to our figurine. You know, nowadays, a usable gift cannot satisfy us, we are seeking high-grade life style, our glass art can be your choice.